Let's Get Technical Part 2 - The Chrome Rim

What is it? A Chrome Rim actually refers to the coating/finish on the rim. A chrome rim is in fact made of steel or alloy with a thin layer of chrome; or a plating of chrome on the outer of the object. Chrome rims are known for their extremely shinny and reflective mirror like finish. The technical term for ‘Chrome’ is Chromium (Cr), a naturally occurring chemical element (atomic number 24 for all you smart folks). People often make the mistake that when referring to a chrome rim that the rim itself is made from chrome. This is not the case. Chrome is a metal but is not suitable as a solid due to its brittleness. Nothing is ever made of just solid chrome. Chrome rims are made from solid steel or aluminum and are then coated with chromium through a process called electroplating. Electroplating is a method that uses electric current to change the surface properties of an object by enabling a thin layer of one metal (anode) to coat another metal (cathode). Chrome is only ever applied by electroplating. Chrome rims do not need clear coating, and clear coating tends to not adhere to chrome very well.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chrome Rims:

During my research I found lots of conflicting information. What one report described as an advantage of a chrome rim, another report would label it a disadvantage or issues with chrome rims. For example; one report stated that the electroplating process and the chrome plating to a rim provides corrosion resistance and makes the rim less prone to rusting than an alloy or magnesium rim. This was opposed in a different article where it was stated that chrome rims will always eventually pit, crack, peel and corrode over time due to the basic elements in nature (road salt, brake dust, weather).

When it came to the cleaning argument, are chrome rims easier to clean and maintain then alloy rims; again, there were two different arguments. One side states that chrome plating and the shiny smooth chrome finish allows for ease of cleaning, whereas it is also noted in different care and cleaning forums that chrome rims require more maintenance to keep them in good condition The cleaning forums state that chrome rims, because they do not have a clear coat, require extra attention when removing road dirt and brake dust and that chrome rims should be cleaned carefully with soap and water followed by a full polish.

Last but not least, the argument as to whether the ‘chrome plate’ on a chrome rim makes the wheel stronger and increases the surface hardness or not. It was stated that chrome wheels are known for their durability and strength. The first argument attributing that to the process of electroplating. With the rim being plated with layers of nickel, bronze and finally chromium; the layers adhere to each other and increase the strength of the finish. Of course I found some research stating the complete opposite that the electroplating process imparts a brittleness to the rim, which makes most chrome rims more likely to crack under impact. Chrome plating is described to be like the candy coating over an M&M. It is unable to move with the metal or alloy and cracks everywhere the underlying metal has moved. Once the chrome finish is cracked, it will begin to flake off and then continue to flake off as more air and water get in under the edges. Once the finish is cracked and flaking the only way to repair it is to entirely re-chrome the rim.

One advantage I’m sure we can agree on is the chrome rim does look good. That super shinny reflective mirror finish is very eye-catching and cannot be matched. Like any aftermarket addition, they can add value to the car and seem to be prized by some car lovers.

What we see as the main disadvantage of chrome rims is they cannot be easily repaired. The only way to fix a damaged chrome rim is to completely re-chrome the rim in its entirety. Chrome is a very delicate finish and difficult to replicate. To re-chrome a rim is difficult, time consuming and extremely expensive.

I would love to start a discussion and hear what you have to say about the advantages and disadvantages of chrome rims. Please leave your findings in the comments section below.

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